Estimated Delivery Times

Shipping Information:
- Most orders are processed and shipped within 1 - 2 business days.
- The vast majority of our orders ship via FedEx Ground. Small packages may ship via FedEx SmartPost; orders that exceed FedEx size and weight limits will ship via Freight.
- Most North Texas and Oklahoma orders are delivered the next business day
- Orders shipped to the rest of Texas and most of the Central Midwest are delivered within two business days
- Orders shipped to the East Coast South of Maine, the Northern Midwest and the West Coast South of Oregon are delivered in three business days
- Orders shipped to the States of Washington, Maine and other more remote cities in the Continental US take up to four business days for delivery.
- For faster delivery please contact us at 855-634-2055 or for the best rates
If your shipping address is outside of the Continental U.S. please email us at for the best shipping rates.